HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I know it has been a very very long time since I posted on this blog and I am so sorry for not being as active on this blog. With Christmas and New Years coming and going suddenly my time is free until I head back to university in a few days. I've really missed writing on this blog and even though I was near enough not active on this blog last year I want to make a change to that! I don't usually have New Year's Resolutions but I want to start writing on this blog more often! And what better way to start 2014 than with a review!!

Today I will be reviewing Morning Musume '14's 55th single's A-side Egao no Kimi wa Taiyou sa. I'm still getting used to the name change of Morning Musume but I should hopefully get used to it very soon! It feels like a lifetime ago since Wagamama Ki no Mama Ai no Joke was released and my heart was racing for a new single! Their latest single is going to be a triple A-side release so of course my inner wota was chanting to the heavens to know that there would finally be some new Morning Musume material!
Originally I did want to review What Is Love because it is my favourite track so far out of the songs we've been given but with What Is Love just being a live performance MV I didn't really feel like there was enough to get a good review from really...so I decided to review Egao no Kimi wa Taiyou sa instead! Let's get on with the review.
The MV opens up with a plain white title...
We then have the beautiful Sayu open up the music video with her pretty face, I am impressed already!
Sayu: Now Morning Musume '14...we will rock you!!
Bring on the stamping and the claps to get us into a We Will Rock you Mood!
Awww, this isn't a rock anthem! Never mind let's get into a techno groove and look pretty graphic!
UFP you're going up in the world, but I'll still keep my fingers crossed!
UFP you're going up in the world, but I'll still keep my fingers crossed!
Beware MoMusu wotas...Mizuki is out with her princess storm to get you into her clutches!!!
Mizuki: You will all be my pretties mwahaha!
Mizuki: You will all be my pretties mwahaha!
Don't worry Princess, I am already at your command!
Eventually Riho had to wade in as the ace and to be honest she just looks plain, she is pretty but just in this screenshot she looked plain. You can better Riho!!!
Ayumi: I better step up my game then if the role for the ace is up for grabs!!!
No, Ayumi sadly the world of idols does not work that way, but stay pretty!
Morning Musume '14 has to make a bigger deal than it was with their name change and decided to spread the news on international news broadcasters!
Bring on the world graphic and we are rolling!
Bring on the world graphic and we are rolling!
Spread the MoMusu goodness Morning Musume '14!!!
Sayumi, perk up! It is our time to dominate the idol world why do you look so glum!
Sayu: Soon I will be an idol no more, and the allegiance of MoMusu must continue!
Don't graduate yet my pinky perfection, I still need your beauty and sharp tongue to keep the young idols in check!
Sayu: Soon I will be an idol no more, and the allegiance of MoMusu must continue!
Don't graduate yet my pinky perfection, I still need your beauty and sharp tongue to keep the young idols in check!
Mizuki: Well I'll just whistle a merry tune and be the sub-leader of doing nothing! I do have a role you know, I can be leader! Who needs her when I can be the new Pink Ranger?!
Please don't drop me from the ranks Princess, I will be quiet! Forget I said anything...
I feel mean saying this but most of the time I never notice Eripon! She usually just gives that daggered stare and that's it, but she caught my eye in this video! Aww have a cookie!!
Kanon may never have been given a good push in Morning Musume, but I think her time may be soon approaching, and I feel like she is going to take matters into her own hands...
Riho: Just acing like the ace I am!!! *ego boosting*Kanon: We shall see my sweet Riho, we'll see...
Riho: Just acing like the ace I am!!! *ego boosting*Kanon: We shall see my sweet Riho, we'll see...
Ayumi: Look Jenny I have hair!!Well done Ayumi-chan, do you want a cookie for stating the obvious! Aww you're pretty so here you go!
Haruna: Here is my prettiest smile...Haruna wants cookie!I don't have an awful lot of cookies Honey Bunny but I'm sure I can spare you one!
Haruna: Who needs cookies when you're a real boy?!I don't think you mean literally but I love your masculine spunk Haruka!
I'll nick some cider of Riho and give that to you instead, I think Riho needs to lay off the juice anyway...
I'll nick some cider of Riho and give that to you instead, I think Riho needs to lay off the juice anyway...
Not only do Morning Musume '14 have their own channel but they are now wanting to be race car drivers. Well you do need cars for that girls and I don't think UFP could even afford one!
Sayumi: You just need to belieeeeve! Brum brum!Obviously Sayumi has been around the children too long!
Sayumi: You just need to belieeeeve! Brum brum!Obviously Sayumi has been around the children too long!
Masaki must be sad that there is no cookies left for her! Well why not get drunk with Haruka and celebrate the New Year?!
Riho: Cider?! Where?
Now Riho we have spoken about this, you have been banned from drinking cider because of what happened last time...remember?
Now keep stroking and your hair and continue to be acey or whatever you do these days...
Now keep stroking and your hair and continue to be acey or whatever you do these days...
With in the bowls of Morning Musume lies a sorcery known as the Zukki arts, like Voldemort trying to destroy Harry, Kanon is out to get rid of Riho! Too long as she been a background prop!
Riho: Aaaany second now for that cider?NO!
Sayu: Now Sakura you just strut and pout? Got it? That's the trick to being a perfect idol!
Sayumi is spreading her knowledge before her destined graduation!
Sakura you look so beautiful! You've always been pretty but this time it's like you have finally bloomed! I think it's cause your pretty bangs are no longer trapped by the darned hair accessories!!!
I get it Erina and Haruka...you want to be the rappers of Morning Musume because you know it's rare for you to have solo lines, but sadly Tsunku has stuck Ayumi with that! Just keep wearing those amazing hats and we'll keep our fingers crossed!
Riho finally catches scent of Zukki's plans and hatches a little plan of her own to ruin Zukki in the new shoot!
Riho: Psst, put onions in Zukki's breakfast this morning. See her weep haha!Kanon: Achoo!!!
Riho: Psst, put onions in Zukki's breakfast this morning. See her weep haha!Kanon: Achoo!!!
Hey girls! Play nice like these four!
Aww the graphics match the lyrics...so creative... Feel free to put sarcasm in there if you wish!
Ayumi: And with your hair girls, swish and flick!You may not be an ace Ayumi but you are definitely a dance machine!
Haruna powerrr!!!
Mizuki, Mizukiiii...MIZUKI! The camera is over here! What are you distracted by?
Mizuki: Boys, I want boys!No Mizuki that is not the way of the idol and no way to act like an idol princess!
That's what Zukki's plan is...she wants to eat Riho!
So in the next single, if there is minus one whiny voice blame Zukkini!
Erina: You'd need a rapper then wouldn't you?
I don't make the decision please don't beg me!!! Ask Tsunku!
Now suddenly MoMusu have taken up yoga! It seems to be the only thing to keep them calm (especially Masaki!)
Sayu: And now little MoMusu's is the tree positin! Stretch out and your arms and pretend to be a branch of our amazing tree!
Sayu: And now little MoMusu's is the tree positin! Stretch out and your arms and pretend to be a branch of our amazing tree!
Aww this screenshot is adorable! And my derpy self realized a few seconds later that it's the 9th gen altogether again! They are my favourite generation after the 5th generations but for a while now it feels like they aren't as united as a generation anymore which is sad :(
Sayu: Once I have graduated Morning Musume, you will have to stand on your own two feet my Utahime!Sakura: I will make you proud!Sayumi teaches Sakura how to pose like her and become the new "cutest" member of Morning Musume when she has graduated! The Sayu legacy must continue!
Pink ranger transform! -Cue the amazing Power Ranger sequence!!!-
And silence...I knew UFP were too good to be true with their graphics, you disappoint me!
And silence...I knew UFP were too good to be true with their graphics, you disappoint me!
Mizuki: Maybe we can combine our pink power and become the ultimate pink duo!That's an amazing idea my dear princess, initiate the pink power!!!
When I took this screenshot it just made Mizuki look like the ultimate leader of Morning Musume...her time will come Mizuki wotas...the time will come!!!
This has to be the cutest thing ever! And this is one of the reasons I will miss Sayumi when she graduates! Not just because she's an amazing member, but she's been a great leader to the younger members and even though there is still that sense of rivalry she still makes them feel like a family! She's been getting leadership tips off Ai-chan!!!
I can see the happiness in Sayumi's eyes of how proud I am of her! I am proud Sayumi! Why do I keep acting as if she's announced her graduation already?! -sobs-
Mizuki: Don't worry Jenny-chan! Sayumi won't graduate Morning Musume until Tsunku kicks her tiny butt out or she gets wrinkles!!Thank you for igniting my spirit Princess! Your beautiful smile has made me feel much better!
Quick hide the triangles girls...the fans will accuse you of being part of the Illuminati! We have to keep the pure idol image!!!
Ayumi's hair swish powers have annihilated the Illuminati!!!
Ayumi: I'm no longer just the dancing robot!!!That's right Ayumi, have two bottles of cider, and rub it in Riho's face! MWAHA!
Sayu: Are you getting the young members drunk?It's a New Year...I'm allowed! They can handle their alcohol fine...
I have spoken too soon! Sakura, Riho, Zukkini no!!!! You're meant to be pure...not alcohol fueled teens, I've been a bad influence.
Sayu: You saved us all from the Illuminati Ayumi! You're our hero!!! Screw this let's get drunk and celebrate Morning Musume '14!!!
Haruna has hit the bottle too hard and now her eyesight has gone all blurry. She is going to have a headache in the morning!
Keep practising your beautiful stares and smiles Sakura and one day you will be a full flawless beauty like Sayu! You are flawless already, but you will grow into a beautiful woman my Utahime!!!
And the moral of the story that Zukkini learned is that revenge is never a good dish to serve! And even though she did try to ruin Riho's reputation of being an ace, Zukkini learned too appreciate just being the amazing smily girl she always was!!!
Masaki has really hit the cider hard!!!
Riho has definitely hit her limit and has fallen to the floor.
Riho: I am still acey and fabulous...bow down to me!You really are a little drunkard Riho...I wouldn't have you any other way!
Riho: I am still acey and fabulous...bow down to me!You really are a little drunkard Riho...I wouldn't have you any other way!
And to this day Morning Musume '14 was born and reigned supreme in the idol world for many decades to come!
It finally is the time for a new Morning Musume release and I am glad they have started a new chapter and a new era with this single! Their last few releases have been very cool, upbeat songs and they have made me want to strut their stuff to the beat, but I'm glad they winded things down a bit with Egao no Kimi. When I first heard the song I really loved the techno introduction which then transitioned into this infectious clapping and stomping beat that was reminiscent of We Will Rock You! It would have been cool if this suddenly turned into an amazing rock song for the group, but I was still happy with the end result. Their last few singles have been very entertaining but I was starting to get into that mindset where I felt if they kept releasing the same kind of songs like Brainstorming and Wagamama Ko no Mama Ai no Joke then it would become boring even though I love that sound. However, Morning Musume is known to have a change of sound every now and again and even though it still had the same electronic stamp to make a successful release I love how toned down this song was. A lot of fans I know from forums I am a member of that it did take a little while to warm up to the song but I loved it from the start. How bright and chirpy the song was reminded me of their Platinum Era single Mikan. They don't sound anything similar in terms of musicality, in my opinion, but just the meaning of the lyrics and the happiness of the vocals both portray the same message of being optimistic and happy with your life as the world keeps on turning.
When I listened to this I still felt empowered like I have from MoMusu's singles, but this also made me feel like floating on a cloud with it's beautiful chorus. Throughout this song it was the chorus that caught my attention and when I don't have access to listen to this song I always hum along to the tune of the chorus. It's simple but still makes you smile when you listen to it. One thing I did notice with the melody was how Tsunku tried to fit too many syllables into one line and it did kind of trip you up to what you would expect the melody to be. However, apart from that I loved the instrumentation and all of the girls sounded so sweet! One line that stood out to me was Mizuki's line because the pitch and tonality of this song was so charming to the sweetness of her voice that I have grown accustomed to even though there seems to be a potential for a little powerhouse from her solo lines of Wagamama.
Now one thing I seem to love from Morning Musume MV's is the use of white and whenever they use the colour white I always seem to fall in love with the final product more. That is one of the main reasons I loved their MV for Only You due to the beautiful white dresses they wore in that release. The costumes for this A-side in particular were so simple but they looked so stunning on the girls and everyone looked gorgeous! They all wore pretty white dresses with white shoes which were accessorized with black belts and other black accessories. Erina, Haruka and Haruna were the only ones who wore trousers but I felt like they represented and complimented the girls well. Haruka has that tomboy image as a member so it wouldn't have been very fitting for her to wear a dress; Erina also has a tomboyish look to me with a feminine charm so I loved her in those trousers and Haruna's model-like figure was also highlighted magnificently with those trousers!
Again, like most of their MV's Morning Musume '14 usually only use the one set and they have done that again with this MV, however the use of graphics really help it step up amazingly. The variety of the graphics were very entertaining to watch and I loved how they formed around the dance to make a simple dance routine look a lot more complicated with the use of timing and execution. I can't exactly put my finger on it but as I continued to watch the graphics they reminded me of the Final Fantasy video games for some reason.
I also fell in love with the solo shots and how well the lighting complimented the girls to make them all look stunning! The little hints of colors for each member's color when they appeared on screen was nice added touch. The solo shots allowed every member to shine in her own beauty in this music video and I am glad it coincided with the message of the song to create such an amazing piece of MV. Their smiles just highlighted how much they enjoyed the message of the song and how they want to spread the brightness of their happiness. Sakura and Mizuki have always been members I found pretty, but when I watched them in their solo shots they seemed to have gained extra beauty and they blew me away! Sayumi has competition as the prettiest member.
I also fell in love with the solo shots and how well the lighting complimented the girls to make them all look stunning! The little hints of colors for each member's color when they appeared on screen was nice added touch. The solo shots allowed every member to shine in her own beauty in this music video and I am glad it coincided with the message of the song to create such an amazing piece of MV. Their smiles just highlighted how much they enjoyed the message of the song and how they want to spread the brightness of their happiness. Sakura and Mizuki have always been members I found pretty, but when I watched them in their solo shots they seemed to have gained extra beauty and they blew me away! Sayumi has competition as the prettiest member.
A happy song like this being released close to the New Year has also influenced me with it's positive message too and it also makes me want to live life to the full the way I want it to! I want to smile and spread positivity to everything I do!
I hope you guys have a fantastic 2014 and may you bright smile brings happiness to every day!
I will try and review on this blog more often and post more thoughts about new idol news!
This year seems to have already gone to an explosive start in terms of idols, but that shall come in a fututre post. However, until then...
Don't drink too much cider!!
I hope you guys have a fantastic 2014 and may you bright smile brings happiness to every day!
I will try and review on this blog more often and post more thoughts about new idol news!
This year seems to have already gone to an explosive start in terms of idols, but that shall come in a fututre post. However, until then...
Don't drink too much cider!!